HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create web pages, developed by Tim Berners-Lee. It is the foundational language of the World Wide Web, designed for structuring and presenting content online. HTML is characterized by simplicity and universality, enabling the creation of both simple and complex web page layouts. This language offers a wide range of tags and attributes, providing developers with tools to define headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images, and other page elements. HTML also supports integration with CSS for styling and JavaScript for dynamic functionality, maintaining accessibility and compatibility across different browsers and devices.
Our flashcard app includes carefully selected HTML interview questions with comprehensive answers that will effectively prepare you for any interview requiring HTML knowledge. IT Flashcards is not just a tool for job seekers - it's a great way to reinforce and test your knowledge, regardless of your current career plans. Regular use of the app will help you stay up-to-date with the latest HTML trends and keep your skills at a high level.
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<a href="">Click me</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Click me</a>
<img src="cat.jpg" alt="Description of the image"/>
<p>Here is some text in the paragraph.</p>
<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>
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